

Connecting the Dots . . .

                  In-Depth Bible Teaching - Acts 17:11

"...in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily,

whether those things were so." Acts 17:11

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    “I believe that [Calvinism] is potentially the most explosive and  

                                         divisive issue facing us in the near future..."

Steve Lemke, provost of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

Read more . . .

The Fruits of Calvinism

Ron Comfort's Message to Ambassador Baptist College Chapel

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Reference Library

This reference library offers useful articles by pastors, missionaries, Bible teachers, and conference speakers throughout the world.

They serve to inform, instruct, and warn of apostasy and spiritual dangers confronting churches and Christians today.

These articles provide information on the dangers of Calvinism and New Calvinism.

Also included, are charts and graphics used in many of Dr. Congdon's messages, classes, and conferences.

Classes for Bereans

These lessons were first taught in an adult in-depth Bible study at Calvary Baptist Church - Greer, SC.

Included are the class lecture notes, handouts, and visuals that were given to students to aid them in their Bible studies.

Please note that these materials are copyrighted,  and written permission must be obtained prior to copying or distributing beyond your own personal use.

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Triune God - the Holy Spirit

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the Dangers of Calvinism

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75-day Gap of Daniel 12

Often misunderstood, this video begins a new series of studies on the function of the Holy Spirit within the Triune God. Focusing on the teaching of John 14, Dr. Congdon explains the meaning of the Comforter, the Parakletes, Who is the Holy Spirit.

Here you will come to a fuller understanding of what it means to "comfort" (no, not the meaning that first comes to your mind) and "abide" within every true believer. In John 14, the Lord offers four assurances of help to all believer through the work of the Holy Spirit.