

Connecting the Dots . . .

                  In-Depth Bible Teaching - Acts 17:11

"...in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily,

whether those things were so." Acts 17:11

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This series enables Bible students to learn how to use readily available free tools on the Internet to assure themselves that your understanding of a passage is what God truly wrote. Each shows hands-on demontrations of analyzing verses, word meaning, and grammar of a biblical verse or passage, so essential to obtain the full meaning that God intended. These tools will enable anybody with the desire to learn to go deep into a verse or passage.

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Available Teaching Series

Bible and Breakfast with Rob

This new mini-series is an in-depth study of the Holy Spirit. Each segment is a short 10-15 minute informal study of sharing thoughts and teachings.

Remember, these are breakfasts and not a formal dinner time.

In connecting the dots of Daniel 9's Seventy Week prophecy with his final prophecy of Daniel 12, we learn new insights into the most significant prophecies of the Old Testament.

Sadly, the Daniel 12 prophecy is often missed or skipped over, yet it is the capstone of the Seventy Week prophecy.

Please join me in this 4 part studies and see how grand, how marvelous, and how precise our Lord is with these two prophecies of His plan and purpose of history.