

Connecting the Dots . . .

                  In-Depth Bible Teaching - Acts 17:11

"...in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily,

whether those things were so." Acts 17:11

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The Inter-testament Period of History

400 BC to Birth of Christ

Class 1 - God's Progression of Gentile Kingdoms - pt 1

An overview of God's use of Gentile kingdoms of earth as part of His plan and purpose of history.

Moving from the first kingdom of God on the earth in the Garden of Eden to God's ultimate kingdom on the New Earth, the progression shows those interium kingdoms, ruled by Satan as "god" of this world and how they prepare the world for the coming Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

Class 2 -God's Progression of Gentile Kingdoms - pt2 Presents Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel's dreams of the four interium earthly kingdoms, recorded in Daniel 2, 7, 8.

Clearly, through these prophesies, God demonstrates that He is in control of kings, kingdoms, and the world around us.

Class 3 - God's Messenger Malachi: Just Before the

                                  400-year Silence pt 1

Inter-Testament Period begins with the book of Malachi. This video/audio answers two major biblical questions.

The first answers the puzzle as to why Daniel's 70-Week (490 years) Prophecy is divided into three periods of history? Why is the first division (49 years) never explained, while the second (434 years) and third (7 years) divisions are well defined?

The second answers why this was God's last message to His beloved nation or Israel, before a 400-years silence between the book of Malachi and the birth of the Lord.

Class 5 - Prepare Ye The Way

Class 4 - Just Before the 400-year Silence pt 2

Class 6 - The Development of Post-Exilic Israel's


This class will examine the rise of the priesthood to a position of power and influence and the development of synagogues and the Sanhedrian.

At this time, only study materials are available for this class

Class 7 - The Great Transformation of Jewish Life - Ezra

                    the Man

This class begins our study of the development of congregational worship, group prayer, reading the Scriptures, and biblical sermons that continue to our day. God's human instrument in this develpment was Ezra the Scribe.

At this time, only study materials are available for this class

Class 8 - The Rise of the Samaritans, pt. 1

With the introduction of foreign peoples into the nation of Israel, a new group of peoples developed called the Samaritans. A consequence of this developing group was a deviation from Judaism at Bethel that helps us to understand several aspects of the four Gospels.

At this time, only study materials are available for this class

Class 9 - The Rise of the Samaritans, pt. 2

This continues the develpment described in part 1.

At this time, only study materials are available for this class

Class 10 - The Six People Groups of Israel - Scribes,

                  Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots,

                  Common Folks

This video/audio gives an overview into the divisions of Jewish people during the days our Lord walked upon the earth. It will help you to understand the times of interaction between the Lord and each group as described in the four Gospels.

At this time, only study materials are available for this class

Class 11 - The Ptolemies & the Septuagint (LXX)

Class 12 - Alexander the Great

Class 13 - Antiochus Epiphanies & Hanukkah

Special Class - Was the World Waiting for the Messiah?