Part 1 - The Parakletes - the Holy Spirit is our Strength
Often misunderstood, this video begins a new series of studies on the function of the Holy Spirit within the Triune God. Focusing on the teaching of John 14, Dr. Congdon explains the meaning of the Comforter, the Parakletes, Who is the Holy Spirit.
Here you will come to a fuller understanding of what it means to "comfort" (no, not the meaning that first comes to your mind) and "abide" within every true believer. In John 14, the Lord offers four assurances of help to all believer through the work of the Holy Spirit.
0:00 Introduction
5:46 An Overview of What the Holy Spirit Does in the Believer
9:08 A Study of John 14
11:40 1st Assurance of Help from the Holy Spirit
14:10 2nd Assurance of Help from the Holy Spirit
16:22 3rd Assurance of Help from the Holy Spirit
19:56 4th Assurance of Help from the Holy Spirit