

Connecting the Dots . . .

                  In-Depth Bible Teaching - Acts 17:11

"...in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily,

whether those things were so." Acts 17:11

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About CMI-tv - Classes for Bereans

In September of 2006, we believed the time had come to expand Dr. Congdon's teaching to include countries outside of the United States and the United Kingdom, where he had been ministering for ten years. He returned to the United States and started his own independent ministry in January of 2007 after leaving the American mission organization he had represented.


While in the United Kingdom, Dr. Congdon brought solid Bible teaching to many churches in response to urgent requests from pastors and church leaders to provide solid biblical teaching. During the last 50 years, British churches have experienced increasingly aggressive attacks on dispensational, premillennial doctrine and the literal, historical, grammatical interpretation of the Bible that supports it.

Further, Dr. Congdon observed that churches were losing their sense of purpose and direction as they turned from a premillennial doctrinal view of prophecy to an amillennial/covenant position. Local churches began to die spiritually as evangelism and mission programs declined or disappeared; and the unique roles of the church and the nation of Israel were no longer being taught and understood. Dr. Congdon realized that these factors were contributing significantly to the spiritual decline of British churches and the increasing rise of antisemitism in Britain.

Recognizing an often repeated pattern, he is seeking to counter it by bringing biblically sound premillennial teaching showing the relationship of Israel and the church to local congregations and church leaders. He assists believers and helps them to understand and defend the Bible's teaching on the Rapture, the coming Tribulation, the Second Coming of Christ, the 1000-year Millennial rule of Christ on earth, and God's plan for eternity. Initially, he did this through pulpit messages, Bible seminars, church conferences, Bible courses, and radio. Over the years, his teaching expanded to include Bible conferences to Europe, Canada, the United States and radio.

Over the last severa; years, Dr. Congdon observed that Gen X, Y, and Z adults were turning to the Internet for Bible answers and teaching, rather than the local churches. Recognizing the danger and influence of New Calvinism and its associated groups posed to these adults as it was distributed through their Internet websites, he decided to reach out to the same adults with an alternative view of the Scriptures, dispensationalism. Rather than basing belief on creeds and philosophies of men, the literal (normal) - historical - grammatical hermeneutic (interpretation) of the Bible supports a dispensational understanding that "connects the dots" of Scripture together.

As a result, CMI-tv began with its expansion into the world of digital television. CMI-tv now brings solid, in-depth Bible teaching to viewers in over 40 countries of the world.This expansion has allowed Dr. Congdon to help individual Christians grow in the Lord as they gain a better knowledge of the Scriptures and God's plan for history. As they grow, the church also grows in its sense of direction, missions, and evangelism.

In addition to the Internet, Dr. Congdon continues face to face teaching in his local church. This exprience has allowed him to better understand the general lack of understanding among Christians, with respect as to how many passages of the Bible are related. He found a general lack of connecting the dots of Scripture that enables one to better know God and to develpe an in-depth relationship with Him.

As the class has numerically grown, students asked if the materials being taught each Sunday could be made available to them in either written or video/audio formats. Our solution has been to create the website, ClassesforBereans.com where each Sunday's material is made available. These materials include the teaching manuscript, the fill-in the blank handouts, and some video/audios of the class sessions.

Our written and video/audio materials are available on the Internet through all smart devices. CMI-tv also offers an app for use on your smartphones, tablets, and smart TV's. Our prime goal is to equip believers to serve the Lord and prepare them for their role as the Bride of Christ in the Millennium and eternity.


It is our desire to assist wherever the Lord can use us so please do not hesitate to contact us.