

Connecting the Dots . . .

                  In-Depth Bible Teaching - Acts 17:11

"...in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily,

whether those things were so." Acts 17:11

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Oops! I Thought I was a

                           Four-Pt Calvinist

by Robert Congdon

Whether we realize it or not, every time we read the Bible or listen to a biblical message, our understanding is influenced by the particular system of theology we hold. Believing there were only two systems of theology to choose from within fundamental, conservative Christianity, I chose Calvinism over Arminianism because I was (and still am) firmly convinced that the Scriptures support eternal security of the believer. For many years I trusted the system called Four-Point Calvinism because I thought I knew what Calvin meant by each point and I agreed with all but the “L” (Limited Atonement) of the acrostic, “TULIP,” which represents Calvinism’s five main points.

Because New Calvinism has re-invigorated the teachings of traditional Calvinism and is sweeping throughout Christianity today, dividing Christians and influencing what is taught in churches, seminaries, and schools, I decided to look more deeply into the definitions of the four points. After inductively studying the Bible's teaching on human depravity, election, grace, and perseverance and then comparinging my conclusions with Calvin's teaching, I concluded that I could no longer call myself a four-point Calvinist, for his five points did not agree with what my study had revealed to me.

This book offers a system of theology that I simply call “Biblicism” because I believe it harmonizes with the Scriptures and enables the reader to properly understand God’s purpose and plan for man's redemption, earth's history and eternity.                                                                                          


$10.00 plus s&h

(84 pages)


An Alternative View of Election

by Robert Congdon

This study offers a distinctly different perspective on election and how it relates to God’s purposes for creation and His ultimate goal for history. It offers a biblically sound explanation to the part election plays in His divine purpose while maintaining each individuals’s free will and responsibility toward God. When properly understood, this alternative view makes election a doctrine that can be taught with joy and hope for all.

$8.00 plus s&h

 (40 pages)


Books about Calvinism & New Calvinism

Prophecy & Current Events Books

Setting the Stage for the Final Act?

    The European Union and

                         the Supra-Religion

By Robert Congdon

Over 2500 years ago God revealed through the prophet Daniel that the Roman Empire will revive as a world power prior to the return of Jesus Christ to establish His earthly, Millennial Kingdom. Inspired by Satan, this empire will be "diverse" or unique in history, uniting a supra-government with a world-wide supra-religion. In his attempt to thwart Christ's return to claim His kingdom, Satan will use this empire to persecute and nearly destroy Israel, a nation crucial to the program of God. Dr. Congdon presents a compelling case, demonstrating just how the European Union may be the embryo of the restored Roman Empire. His Bible knowledge and analytical engineering background, coupled with his six-year EU residency, give him a unique perspective on world events and enable him to explore the possibility that the "stage" is being set for the final act in God's revealed plan for history. Dr. Robert Congdon is well qualified to teach on the European Union and the Bible, as he has spent many years involved internationally in industry as well as ministering in the United Kingdom and Europe.

$18.00 plus s&h

(273 pages)

Accompanying Study Guide

$12.00 plus s&h


An Appointment with God:

                     the Feasts of the Lord

by Robert Congdon

Only God, Who is all knowing and all powerful, could bring these seven appointments with Israel to fruition. This in-depth study is based upon an inductive Bible investigation rather than rabbinical and traditional sources. Three unique aspects of each feast are demonstrated: a portrayal in vivid detail of the seven mountain-top historical appointments between God and the nation of Israel in the past, present, and future; simple but clear pictures of seven key spiritual events in every believer’s life; and an understanding of where we are in the timing of God’s plan for history.

$18.00 plus s&h

(192 pages)


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