

Connecting the Dots . . .

                  In-Depth Bible Teaching - Acts 17:11

"...in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily,

whether those things were so." Acts 17:11

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God's Throne of Judgment                                                       

                                                                           Dr. Robert Congdon      pt 1 24:53     pt 2 14:44

God's Judgment is something most people worry about some time in their lives. This session examines three judgments mentioned in the Bible: the Judgment during the Tribulation, The Judgment Seat of Christ (in reality the Bema and not a Judgment), and the Great White Throne Judgment (erroniously call Judgement Day).

In Part 1, Dr Congdon shows the false concept of Calvinism and clearly defines the biblical truth of God's thrones of judgment as seen in the very character of God and the demands for righteous justice. Using  Scripture he defines the fives steps of biblical judgment that leads to a separation from God if one does not accept God's gift of Salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. Using the Apostle John's decriptions, the throne is described as revealed in Revelation 4.

In Part 2, Dr. Congdon explains why the Judgment Seat of Christ is not truly a judgment but rather an accountability session between true believers and their Lord, Jesus Christ, and is properly called the Bema Seat of the Bride (the Church - all true believers).

He then examines the difference between the Bema and the Great White Throne Judgment, showing why the Believer will not be judged at the Great White Throne of Judgment, contrary to the teaching of Calvinism that believers and unbelievers will be judge there. According to the Bible, the beleiver was judged at the Cross of Christ and will face no condemnation after they accept Christ as their Savior.

God the Father's Throne of Glory: Thrones of God Throughout History                 

                                                                                                Dr. Robert Congdon       31:18

In this first video of a five-part series, Thrones of God Throughout History, Dr. Congdon enables us to picture God the Father's throne of Glory in heaven and God's desire to dwell among men and women. Here he offers a picture of what Isaiah and others saw in heaven. As explained, this picture, offered by Dr. Congdon, is lacking in video artistry, but it can help us to each better understand God's glory and majesty. Join us as be look at the first of five thrones of God as presented in the Bible.

God the Father's

Throne of Glory

God the Father's Throne of Grace: Thrones of God Throughout History                 

                                                                                                Dr. Robert Congdon       36:20

In this second video of a five-part series, Thrones of God Throughout History, Dr. Congdon enables us to the Lord Jesus Christ's current role of intercessory priest for us in heaven. This video helps us to understand the full meaning and depth of Christ's position at the right hand of God the Father as He intercedes for all true believers.

In explaining this, we can have a better understanding of the three offices held by the Lord Jesus Christ: prophet, priest, and king. Additionally, we can better understand our relationship to the Lord, as His future Bride, the Church.

For best understanding of this position of the Lord, you will want to watch our previous video, "When Will Christ be King?"

Join us as be look at the second of five thrones of God as presented in the Bible.


God's Throne

of the Kingdom

God's Throne

of Judgment

Part 1 of 2

Is Jesus Christ a king today, ruling from

the throne of David in heaven or not a king yet?

Certainly as the Son of God and part of the Triune God, He is ruling all the creation, but is He a king?

This video will examine this question and show that Jesus Christ can only rule as king from the throne of David in Jerusalem during the future 1000-year kingdom on earth and then will continue to rule over the New Earth. Understanding the kingship of Christ is crucial if you are to properly understand the Scriptures and its prophetic teaching.

Have you ever moved to a new home? Excited to say the least. This video is a biblical look at your new home, the New Jerusalem in the New Heaven and Earth. Learn about the Tree of Life and its place there. Like a real estate listing, see what your home will like as the Lord Jesus Christ prepares it for you - a home designed especially for you, as part of His Bride, the Church. Learn where the New Jerusalem will be located in eternity and why there are two thrones at the peak of the city. This is the fifth video in our series on the Thrones of God.

The Thrones of Eternity in the New Heaven and Earth  

                                                                              Dr. Robert Congdon                        34:15

God's Throne

of Judgment

Part 2 of 2