The Tumbling of Calvinism's TULIP
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In The Tumbling “T,” Dr. Robert Congdon explains how Calvin's foundational teaching on Total Human Depravity determines his four succeeding points of doctrine that are often called, “TULIP.”
Calvin defines human depravity as being spiritually dead and stone-like. This means that individuals are incapable of responding by faith to God's offer of salvation before being spiritually regenerated by God, and God only regenerates those whom He pre-selects. Pre-chosen individuals merely confirm what God already has done for them.
Dr. Congdon explains how human depravity is best understood through inductive Bible study. Following this method, he shows why Calvin's teaching is wrong, for the Word of God and the Holy Spirit convict individuals of sin and the need to receive eternal life by faith. Eternal life is available to whoever freely chooses to accept it: "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17). Regeneration occurs immediately after God's gift of salvation is received by faith alone, not before.
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