The Tumbling of Calvinism's TULIP
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In The Tumbling “L,” Dr. Congdon explains how Calvin’s definition of atonement does not properly reflect what the Bible teaches about it. Of the 70 instances where the English translation, "atonement," is found in Scripture, it appears only once in the New Testament. Surprisingly, most Calvinist writings about atonement are based on this single verse and ignore the Old Testament's teaching on it completely.
In this one-hour video Dr. Congdon carefully examines what the Old Testament reveals about atonement and then considers its New Testament application in the light of what he has inductively determined. You may be surprised to learn how the OT study adds to your understanding of atonement and clearly demonstrates that atonement is unlimited. Atonement makes it possible for God to offer the free gift of salvation to whoever chooses to receive it.
This video is the product of ten weeks of research and writing. Dr. Congdon found this study to be a blessing to him, and it is his prayer that you will be blessed by it as well.
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