

Connecting the Dots . . .

                  In-Depth Bible Teaching - Acts 17:11

"...in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily,

whether those things were so." Acts 17:11

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Pt 1 - The Rise of the Antichrist upon the World Stage               Dr. Robert Congdon                       42.28

The Wrath of the Lamb: The Tribulation: Revelation 6:16, 17     Dr. Robert Congdon                       51:00

In Part 1, Dr. Congdon explains and defines the key symbols the Apostle John used to enable us to understand the means by which the Antichrist will rise upon the world stage. In Part 2, we will see how these symbols present the scenario for this rising on the Antichrist.


In Part 2, Dr. Congdon, using the key symbols as taught in Part 1, presents a scenario of the rise of the Antichrist during the Tribulation based upon the writings of John the Apostle and Daniel the prophet. It will be shown how the original 10 rulers of the final man-made empire of Daniel's 70th is slowly reduced to one by the Antichrist, the "little horn." Dr. Congdon uses present day examples to demonstrate the feasibility of these events happening in our lifetime. This video present a very seldom-taught aspect of how the Antichrist takes control of the final empire before the Return of Jesus Christ destroys the empire and the Antichrist and establishes the Millennial Kingdom.

Dr. Robert Congdon answers the question: Why a Tribulation and how could a loving God bring wrath upon the earth? He offers four biblical reasons for the 7-year Tribulation described by the books of Daniel and Revelation. Additionally, he answers the question: Will true believers have to endure the Tribulation?

Pt 2 - The Rise of the Antichrist upon the World Stage               Dr. Robert Congdon                       37:15

Part 2

Have you ever asked the question "why pray" if God knows my every need? Dr. Congdon offers a very biblical and unique reason that you may never have heard. Here is a view of prayer that makes your daily prayer life vital to your future service to Christ as His Bride in the Millennium

Prayer: On the Job Training for the Millennium                            Dr. Robert Congdon                       44:33

This video (Part 1 of 5) offers an understanding modern Russia's, Iran's, & Turkey's role in the latter-day Battle of Gog-Magog, Ezekiel 38 & 39, which will trigger the start of the Tribulation. For a clear understanding of why it will start the Tribulation see our video on the Feast of Trumpets.

Ezekiel 38 & 39 - The Battle of Gog-Magog                                  Dr. Robert Congdon                   5 parts

Part 1 - Petra Waits for Israel: The Armageddon Campaign        Dr. Robert Congdon                 43:00

Armageddon - final battle of history? The gathering of the armies of the Antichrist on the plains of Armageddon

is the first of eight steps or stages culminating in Jesus Christ's return to the earth to take His position on the throne of David as the King of the 1000-year kingdom (the Millennial Kingdom). In this first of the series, Dr Congdon explains how biblically, Armageddon is a gathering place, not for a battle, but rather the place for assembling the Antichrist's armies to begin his campaign to prevent the return to the earth of Jesus Christ. Dr Congdon will introduce viewers to the "place" God has prepared for obedient Jewish people, those following God's command in Matthew 24:16, to flee to the wilderness during the last 3 1/2 years of the 7-year Tribulation.

Part 2 - Waiting for the Antichrist                                                Dr. Robert Congdon                    35:00

Answers to two key questions about the time of this gathering at Armageddon:

1) What will cause Satan to pull out "all the stops" to annihilate Israel at this particular time in history?

2) what will motivate the Antichrist to turn against Israel and break his covenant with the nation at this time?  

Part 3 - Babylon Waits for God's Destruction                           Dr. Robert Congdon                     20:00

As the Antichrist is preparing to attack Jerusalem and the Israelis who fled to Petra, God will destroy the city of Babylon. Yes, there will be a future Babylon based upon a literal (normal) - historical - grammatical hermeneutic (rules of study). This destruction is prophesied in both the Old and New Testament.

Part 4 - Jerusalem waits for the Antichrist                        Dr. Robert Congdon                    45:00                                                                             This video explains why God uses the 7-year Tribulation to bring Israel to repentance and a permanent return to the Lord. It answers the question: "Why is Jerusalem important to God?" In answering this question we can understand why God allows the Antichrist to siege and capture God's beloved city, Jerusalem. [Correction at 07:28 reference should be Jeremiah and not Zechariah]

Part 5 - The Remnant of Israel waits for Christ               Dr. Robert Congdon                 48:00     

In this video, you will learn of Jesus Christ's rescue of the believing remnant of Israel at Petra from the Antichrist's army. This remnant, 1/3 of the Jewish population at the end of the Tribulation, are those who have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior. Representing true Israel, in God's mind, they will fulfill the two conditions for God the Father to send God the Son back to the earth to establish His kingdom as He destroys the Antichrist and binds Satan for 1000 years. This is beginning of the 2nd coming of the Lord. For all true believers of the Church-Age, you will want to see this video to better understand your part in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth.

Part 6 - The Glorious Return of the Lord Jesus Christ      Dr. Robert Congdon            43:00

In this final session of the series of the Casmpaign of Armageddon, we will see the Glorious Return of the Lord Jesus Christ that begins with His descent from heaven, for all the world to see. He will then progressively move from the destruction of the Antichrist's army at Bozrah/Petra and then moves to outside of Jerusalem to destroy the remaining army. It is then that He will descend to the Mt of Olives and go to the Temple site to begin His 1000-year reign on the earth on the throne of David.

When Will Christ be King?                                                           Dr. Robert Congdon              35:01

Is Jesus Christ a king today, ruling from the throne of David in heaven or not a king?

Certainly as the Son of God and part of the Triune God, He is ruling all the creation, but is He a king?

This video will examine this question and show that Jesus Christ can only rule as king from the throne of David in Jerusalem during the future 1000-year kingdom on earth and then will continue to rule over the New Earth. Understanding the kingship of Christ is crucial if you are to properly understand the Scriptures and its prophetic teaching.

God the Father's Throne of Glory: Thrones of God Throughout History                 

                                                                                                Dr. Robert Congdon       31:18

In this first video of a five-part series, Thrones of God Throughout History, Dr. Congdon enables us to picture God the Father's throne of Glory in heaven and God's desire to dwell among men and women. Here he offers a picture of what Isaiah and others saw in heaven. As explained, this picture, offered by Dr. Congdon, is lacking in video artistry, but it can help us to each better understand God's glory and majesty. Join us as be look at the first of five thrones of God as presented in the Bible.

God's Throne of Glory